
Does It Show On Your Nc Drivers License If You Are A Registered Sex Offender

By Michael Grand. . . . I'd been dreading this 24-hour interval for months – the final solar day before my Oklahoma state driver's license expired. Recently, my land had passed legislation requiring that the licenses of those convicted of aggravated sexual practice offenses exist marked "Sex activity Offender" in bold majuscule crimson letters in two different locations on the front of the card.

Red-letter days are supposed to be joyful  occasions, but non so much in this case. I certainly wasn't going to submit to this particular humiliation past renewing my license whatsoever earlier than necessary, so I procrastinated until the very last moment. Perchance I was simply in denial. Maybe I was hoping against hope that our elected representatives and the courts would miraculously come to their senses and see the utter insanity of this policy before Thursday rolled around. But, of course, that didn't happen.

That morning, I prepared myself mentally by indulging in a sumptuous meal. I've e'er believed that bad things seem fifty-fifty worse on an empty stomach. I showered, shaved, and put on a new shirt. "Look practiced, experience skillful, and you'll be at your best," is what my mother ever told me. I drove the scenic route to the licensing agency. I was in absolutely no hurry to exercise this. I pulled into the parking lot, took a few deep breaths, and strode into the blusterous office with a smile on my face that didn't reflect the churning in my breadbasket.

For the first time in my life, I was hoping for a long line, and yet there I was, the only customer in the place.  A adult female beckoned me to her station, and I handed her my expiring license with a smiling. "I demand to renew this," I said. I silently considered adding some pithy remark befitting a condemned human being on his way to the gallows but realized that I'd probably then have to explain  it, which would only make things worse. She cheerfully invited me to take a seat in another lady'southward cubicle and I did.

She asked me if whatsoever of my information had inverse. I thought, everything  has changed. My life has been turned upside down. I was most bankrupted. Society now considers me a monster. I smiled and said, "No, zilch's inverse."

She was undoubtably viewing my data on her computer screen and the digital proof of the license as we chatted.  SEX OFFENDER.  Big.  Assuming.  Red.  Letters.  If this perturbed her in any fashion, she gave no indication of it whatsoever. Instead, she asked, "Are you a veteran?"

I responded, "Yes, I am.  Why practise y'all ask?"

She positively beamed, "Nosotros can print VETERAN on your license! You know, in case yous want to get a military discount while shopping or at restaurants!" I chuckled and told her to go ahead and add it.

Not that I'll be showing off my new red-alphabetic character license to the cashier at IHOP anytime before long.

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Does It Show On Your Nc Drivers License If You Are A Registered Sex Offender,


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